Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph
November, 1954
CERAMIC SCHOOL - Clement Hull, ceramic engineer at the Van Briggle Pottery, has announced that a ceramic school for all those interested will be held one night a week at the Artists Group studio at the pottery. Hull, a product of the famous ancient master potters of Santa Fe, and formerly associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will present a course consisting of eight lectures outlining the basic know-how of the ceramic and pottery field. The fee will be $15 for the entire course of eight lectures, witht he classes held on Monday nights. Special emphasis will be given, Hull said, to answering questions and solving individual problems as the arise during the course of instruction. All of those who are interested should come to the first lecture on Monday, June 28 at 7:30 p.m. The entrance to the Artist Studio where the classes will be held is at the northeast corner of the pottery, near the bridge. An attendant will be on hand to greet all those interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to learn the ceramic know-how from a master potter himself.