Santa Fe New Mexican
June, 1941
The Arts and Society - Page 2, Column 1
Miss Frances Cullum and Clement Marot Hull were married in a simple ceremony Saturday attended only by members of the two families and a few intimate friends. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served in the garden at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Henry Wright, on Cerro Gordo road. The garden made a beautiful bridal scene, the masses of roses being in full bloom.
The bride wore an informal white crepe frock and round white hat, the rather wide brim curving off the face in attractive fashion. Her corsage was of white gardenias.
The bridegroom's sister, Miss Helene Mareau, was maid of honor, also wearing white, her dress and bandeau hat being trimmed in dark blue. John Neville was best man to the bridegroom.
As the bride and groom left on their brief honeymoon, the bride was presented with a second bouquet of pink roses and delphinium. Following the honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hull will be at home in Tesuque.
The ceremony was a small family event because of the absence at this time of the bride's father, Major Grove Cullum who has been recalled to active duty in the army. The bride's mother, Mrs. Cullum was hostess with Mrs. Wright at the wedding reception.
The bride, a native of Kansas, was educated at Browmoor and Sandia school in Albuquerque. She was recently employed at the Village book shop but terminated her work at the time of her marriage.
The bridegroom is a member of the family known in the nation since the 17th century. He is descended from George Hull, who came to Plymouth on the Mayflower as close friend and political adherent of Roger Ludlow, first governor of New England. Mr. Hull's grandfather traveled from New England to Ohio by covered wagon in pioneer days, later pushing on the the frontier of Iowa.
Mr. Hull was born in Pittsburgh when his father was directing glass production for the navy during the first World war, later being called to Washington to continue the work with the bureau of standards. Later the family moved to Oak Park, Ill., where the bridegroom graduated from Fenwick high school, and then to Santa Fe about eight years ago, where he continued his studies at St. Michael's college. He is now associated with his father in the Hull-Santa Fe Pottery firm, and has exhibited his work at the New York Society of Ceramic Art and the State Museum of New Mexico with unusual success.